SPID, Electronic identity card and national services card. From 1 March these will be the three keys that citizens will be able to use to access the telematic services of the Revenue Agency. In line with the provisions of the Simplification Decree (DL n. 76/2020), indeed, from 1 March it will no longer be possible to obtain Fisconline credentials, that is, those of the Agency, and in the next few months those already in use will be gradually phased out. It will therefore be necessary to have one of the three methods of identification and authentication, SPID, CIE about the CNS, recognized for the online services of all public administrations and which can already be used to access the revenue services. All the ways to get Spid are available on the site

What changes for citizens – Il Decreto Semplificazione e Innovazione digitale (DL n. 76/2020), established that citizens' access to Public Administration services must take place through the Public Digital Identity System (SPID) and the Electronic Identity Card (YOU), in addition to the CNS. So for those who already use SPID, CIE or CNS to access the telematic services of the Revenue does not change anything. The citizens, instead, who use Fisconline credentials, provided by the Agency, they can continue to use them until their natural expiration (and in any case no later than 30 September 2021), after which you will need to be in possession, of your choice, of one of the three instruments mentioned.

Cosa cambia per i professionisti e le imprese - Professionals and companies will be able to request Entratel credentials, Fisconline the Sister, issued by the Agency even after 1 March and up to the date to be established with a specific implementing decree, as required by the Digital Administration Code.