Dal 1March 2021, in line with the provisions of the Simplification and Digital Innovation Decree (DL n. 76/2020), l’Agenzia delle Entrate non rilascerà nuove credenziali Fisconline ai cittadini. They remain valid, in any case, le credenziali Fisconline già in possesso degli utenti e in uso, ma verranno dismesse il 30 September 2021.
From 1 March next, then, chi non possiede le credenziali Fisconline potrà accedere all’area riservata dei servizi online dell’Agenzia utilizzando esclusivamente una delle tre modalità di autenticazione universali, SPID, CIE about the CNS, recognized to access the online services of all public administrations.
Nothing changes, instead, for professionals and businesses.
Access for citizens
Transitory phase
Users in possession as of March 1st 2021 delle credenziali Fisconline, provided by the Agency (fiscal Code, password e PIN), they will be able to continue to use them to access electronic services and it will still be possible to renew expired passwords. They will no longer be released, instead, new credentials, mentre quelle già in uso saranno valid until 30 September 2021.
From 1 October 2021, then, le credenziali Fisconline non saranno più attive e sarà necessario accedere, of your choice, with one of the three tools:
- SPID – Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale
- YOU – Electronic identity card
- CNS – National Service Charter.
For those who already log in with SPID, CIE about the CNS, nothing changes. Anyone who does not have one of these three tools will have to equip themselves with it.
Access for professionals and businesses
Professionals and companies with Entratel credentials, Fisconline e Sister, issued by the Agency, they will be able to continue to use them even after 1 March and up to the date that will be established with a specific implementing decree, as required by the Digital Administration Code.
Also natural persons with a VAT number and / or who are already appointed to operate in the name and on behalf of other subjects, can request and use credentials after March 1st.
Request the PIN
To use some functions of software products, downloadable for free from the Agency website, è necessario avere il pin number. Who identifies with SPID, CIE about the CNS, however, you can request the PIN code within the reserved area by selecting the 'Withdraw Fisconline credentials' function’ in the 'User profile' section’ in the menu on the left of the page.