Advertising investments, under certain conditions, may fall within the “advertising bonus”, a tax credit whose amount varies according to the type of expenditure made.
Companies and professionals can benefit from the advertising bonus. The tax credit for the year 2021 is foreseen in the measures of:
– 50% advertising in daily newspapers and periodicals (also digital)
– 75% incremental advertising expenses compared to those incurred in the previous year on local radio and television broadcasters
In this second case, the minimum increase must be equal to 1% otherwise you are not entitled to the advertising bonus.
The procedure to follow to obtain the tax credit involves sending the “communication for access to the tax credit” by 31 March of the year in which advertising costs are incurred.
This communication must indicate how much it is expected to spend during the year in question.
Furthermore, in the final balance, must be sent by 31 January of the year following the “substitutive declaration relating to the advertising investments made” which must contain an indication of the advertising investments actually incurred during the year.
Both communications must be sent through the reserved area of the Revenue Agency website.
Finally, it is important to remember that the actual amount of the tax credit can be well below the 50% and al 75% due to the fact that the tax credit is still recognized within the limit of the resources allocated annually for this bonus.